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参考文献(4 / 19)

vo. 2005. Papillomaviruses:Different genes have different histories. Trends in Microbiology13:514–21.

García-Vallvé, S., J. R. Iglesias-Rozas, á. Alonso, and I. G. Bravo. 2006. Different papillomaviruses have different repertoires of transcription factor binding sites: Convergence and divergence in the upstream regulatory region. BMC Evolutionary Biology6:20.

Horvath, C. A. J., G. A. V. Boulet, V. M. Renoux, P. O. Delvenne, and J-P.J. Bogers. 2010. Mechanisms of cell entry by human papillomaviruses:An overview. Virology Journal7:11.

Martin, D., and J. S. Gutkind. 2008. Human tumor-associated viruses and new insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer. Oncogene27(Suppl2):S31–42.

Orlando, P. A., R. A. Gatenby, A. R. Giu
